Saturday 30 June 2007

Reasons to learn Spanish

Can't think of a reason to learn Spanish?

How about it's the most popular language in the world after English and Chinese for example? Or that it is spoken by many people in the United States, as well as Mexico, many Caribbean islands, including Puerto Rico, and all of South America with the exception of Brazil?

What more do you need? It's one of the best things you could do with your time.

Thursday 28 June 2007

Rocket Spanish review

If you’re following my advice to find a method of learning Spanish that immerses you in the language and forces you to speak it, but if you can’t go and live in a Spanish speaking country then what are your options. I’ve just reviewed Rocket Spanish, which aims to get you speaking Spanish in 3 months by simulating the immersion experience and so requires a lot of spoken practice. Take a look at the review.

Study Spanish

So what's the best way to study Spanish? Easy; go and live in a Spanish speaking country and speak nothing but Spanish, no matter what.

By forcing yourself to make mistakes you'll quickly learn and with selective grammar study your Spanish will improve no end.

Of course moving to a new country is easier said than done for most people. You therefore have to simulate the immersion expereince as best you can. With that in mind you can look for Spanish schools in your city, or find a course that will help you achieve this goal.

See for details about how to learn Spanish.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Learning Spanish Like Crazy

Do you want to learn Spanish the way the Real Acadamia wants you to speak it? Or do you want to speak it like it spoken by native Spanish speakers?

For most people the answer is the second, but most Spanish courses focus on teaching the very formal Spanish that you won't actually encounter.

Learning Spanish Like Crazy concentrates on the second approach and you can read my review of it on my website at

Monday 25 June 2007

FC Barcelona tickets

We'll, we do know who they are playing, but just not when. The draw for La Liga takes place at the end of July, at which point we'll know the season's fixture list and able to reserve FC Barcelona Tickets online.

Personally I can't wait - although I can't wait for them to cover the whole stadium either. In October (maybe even September) we got drenched at one match, it was terrible. What is that they say about the rain in Spain?

And more on learning languages; I've taken a look at Rocket Spanish today, which looks good although it's currently untested. If anyone has experience of this packages then let me know.

Saturday 23 June 2007

Spanish Grammar

I hate to say it, but at some point you're going to have to face the facts - you have to sit down in a class or with a book and learn some Spanish grammar. Ugh!

The best way to improve your spoken Spanish is by speaking Spanish with native speakers. However, you'll find that you still make mistakes, even if people are trying to correct you. However, if you can zoom in on those areas that you are weakest and focus on learning the grammar, you will soon fin that your spoken Spanish improves as a result.#

Don't spend too long at it and focus on doing what you need to. Apart from that forget it.

Friday 22 June 2007

Spannish Grammar

I hate Spanish Grammar with a vengeance and now I know why.

OK, it's boring and I'd rather spend too much time in class or poring over text books. The real thing is that we ultimately know that it's a waste of time. And it's a waste of time for a very good reason - the grammar that is taught by language schools and in text books is based on completely formal grammar, but native Spanish speakers don't actually speak like that.

Think about this for just a minute - do you stick to ALL rules of English grammar? I'm sure you don't as it's just too constrictive. I'm not talking about semi-literate English either.

Anyway, you can read more about Spanish grammar and what you really need to learn at my new website

Thursday 21 June 2007

Why speak Spanish?

Why Speak Spanish? The easy answer for me is that I live in Barcelona. The more complicated answer is that I live in Barcelona, where the language is... Catalan.

But I digress.

Did you know that Spanish is the 3rd most commonly spoken language on the planet? No?
English is first and Chinese second.

Think of Latin America, Spain, the Caribbean, Mexico, the Phillipines - there is Spanish everywhere. So why speak Spanish? What a great opportunity to speak and really get underneath the skin of other cultures. Enjoy!